Thursday, 7 January 2016

Evaluating Presentation Strategies Task

At this point in the term you have viewed a variety of presentations from your peers and some examples online. You have also had the opportunity to prepare and present a poem in front of the class based on success criteria.

For this task, you are going to critique and evaluate the presentation strategies of two individuals who are presenting their poetry. You should consider the success criteria we developed in class as a way to critique the poetry readings. You may also write any personal critique (positive or negative) that you feel is important to share.

Please follow these steps:

1. Review the success criteria below:

  • Pace of reading the poem helps the poetry reading be more effective
  • Intonation helps bring poem to life
  • Uses good expression
  • Eye contact with the audience
  • Standing straight, confident, no slouching
  • Use appropriate gestures
  • Voice is clear and easy to understand
  • Volume is loud enough for everyone to hear
  • Practice is evident
2. View the two videos below: 

3. Using the proper paragraph structure we learned in class, write a response explaining which of the poetry readings you preferred. This response will need to be several paragraphs in length. You are expected to use specific details from the poetry reading to support you choice. You will also need to relate your response to the success criteria reviewed in step 1.

4. Type up your response using proper formatting:

a. Use only one font
b. Do not exceed 12 point font
c. Single space your text
d. Separate paragraphs with a double-space
e. Indent paragraphs with a single "tab"

5. Hand in this task on Thursday January 14th 2016

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