Tuesday, 10 November 2015

5. Each medium has a unique aesthetic form

  • The content of media depends in part on the nature of the medium.
  • This includes the technical, commercial and storytelling demands of each medium: for instance, the interactive nature of video games leads to different forms of storytelling – and different demands on media creators – that are found in film and TV.
  • What techniques does the media product use to get your attention and to communicate its message?
  • In what ways are the images in the media product manipulated through various techniques (for example: lighting, makeup, camera angle, photo manipulation)?
  • What are the expectations of the genre (for example: print advertising, TV drama, music video) towards its subject?

Monday, 9 November 2015

Media Response #4

Have you ever felt persuaded by a media text (video, picture, article, news story). Did the media text persuade you to change or want to change your actions?

Thursday, 5 November 2015

Media has Social and Political Implications Notes

4. Media have social and political implications

  • Media convey ideological messages about values, power and authority.
  • In media literacy, what or who is absent may be more important than what or who is included.
  • These messages may be the result of conscious decisions, but more often they are the result of unconscious biases and unquestioned assumptions – and they can have a significant influence on what we think and believe.
  • As a result, media have great influence on politics and on forming social change. 
  • TV news coverage and advertising can greatly influence the election of a national leader on the basis of image; representations of world issues, both in journalism and fiction, can affect how much attention they receive; and society’s views towards different groups can be directly influenced by how – and how often – they appear in media.


  • Who and what is shown in a positive light? In a negative light?
  • Why might these people and things be shown this way?
  • Who and what is not shown at all?
  • What conclusions might audiences draw based on these facts?

Media has Commercial Implications Notes

3. Media have commercial implications

  • Most media production is a business and must, therefore, make a profit. In addition, media industries belong to a powerful network of corporations that exert influence on content and distribution.
  • Questions of ownership and control are central – a relatively small number of individuals control what we watch, read and hear in the media.
  • Even in cases where media content is not made for profit – such as YouTube videos and Facebook posts – the ways in which content is distributed are nearly always run with profit in mind.
  • What is the commercial purpose of this media product (in other words, how will it help someone make money)?
  • How does this influence the content and how it’s communicated?
  • If no commercial purpose can be found, what other purposes might the media product have (for instance, to get attention for its creator or to convince audiences of a particular point of view).

Tuesday, 3 November 2015

Get A Load of Milk Website Activity

Complete the worksheet provided to you in class using the information found on the following website:


This assignment is due Thursday November 5th.